Saturday, February 21, 2009

a poop story

I swear we get more laughs in our home from the word "poop" than any other word. Lovely, just lovely. Well, this is quite an interesting story I thought I'd want to remember...

I had just finished nursing jumeau A (while making lunch for mon petit fee and myself), so I ran upstairs to get jumeau B (held them at the same time) because he woke up. I bring jumeau B downstairs and put him in the bouncy seat while I finish making lunch and put jumeau A to sleep (still in arms). Had to take off a wet diaper for jumeau B while holding jumeau A (was still putting him to sleep) and just let him (jumeau B) air out a bit. I put in a load of laundry, finish making lunch for mon petit fee and clean up a bit while my soup heats. Poured my delicious soup in a bowl and then ran upstairs to put jumeau A down as he has fallen asleep. Jumeau B doesn't poop much, maybe just a few times a week. So wouldn't you know it, the 10 minutes I decide to let him air out is the time he decides to poop. Lots of mustardy poop. Well, I'm used to it with jumeau A - he's the pooper in the family. Once he went through FIVE diapers of poop - it just kept coming. Never in my life have I seen so much poop all at once. Anyway luckky me gets to take care of that before I eat my lunch. But here's the kicker - my soup was a butternut squash soup - the exact same color as the poop. And I ate every bit of it (the soup of course!). I was hungry. mmmmmmm delicious.


I am totally overwhelmed. I can never ever relax. Even tonight, I went upstairs to cry because I was so stressed out from all three needing me so much, but I couldn't even do that for long because who comes up to see what I'm doing -mon petit fee - because he wanted to give me a cracker. Both babies were crying crying crying in the car. They didn't like riding in the dark and just wanted to be held. I kept stopping to nurse them, they would be fine, put them in their seats, get going and then two minutes down the road, wailing!

But I am starting to do more now. I did get to the grocery store "on my own" (three in tow but with no assistance - sort of). We got a double jogging stroller so I put mon petit fee and one jumeau in there, sling the other. Thank goodness I can walk there! It's about a 15 minute walk, nothing too far, but far enough to get me a little exercise. I don't waste a second and get to the check out line in about 15 minutes. There I have a little snag as the one in the stroller is crying. So I pull him out while the other is slung on the front of me and try to finish paying. That's all that was needed! A nice man came and bagged my groceries (though I think he worked there and that was his job - still nice), a kind woman stopped and helped me load the groceries in my stroller and a sweet grandma-type lady took a baby off my hands and held him while I strapped the other one in. She didn't want to let him go! Though I must say - he was totally working her with his beautiful smile and big blue eyes! I can't say just how much I really appreciate that! It is hard enough to get all three out of the house in the winter - all bundled up. If you ever see a mom with young kids, help her! Don't ask, just help! They totally made my day. And I am so not the kind of person to ask for help.

I'm still exclusively nursing them both. They are both over 17 pounds at 4 and a half months old. I went to 37 weeks, one was 6.14 the other 6.04. I don't know if I have ever been more proud of any accomplishment ever. This has to be by far the toughest thing I have ever done! Not just the nursing part, but taking care of all three on my own. No family here to help or offer any relief. That's the hardest is the constant, day to day, every single day, no break... Boy am I tired!